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Alan Waggoner

Alan Waggoner

Paid Marketing Strategist Alan Waggoner

PPC & Analytics Strategist

Alan has worked in the internet marketing space for over ten years, which is like 100 in internet years. His expertise lies in the areas of paid search marketing, data analytics, sales funnels and lead generation.

Alan is particularly well versed in paid search traffic on the Google and Bing platforms, not to mention Facebook marketing. He has spent over $7 million in the past ten years launching and managing online marketing campaigns. His clients have ranged from small mom and pop shops with budgets under $500 a month  to Fortune 500 companies with well over $1 million to spend each year.

When not actively managing marketing campaigns, Alan is busy learning new innovative marketing tactics and strategies, keeping up to date on all new changes and updates on the marketing platforms, and attending educational marketing events. Alan is a Certified AdWords Professional, but his unique approach to paid search marketing comes from more than simple book learning. He has years of experience working in a performance-based environment, a background very few marketing consultants can claim.

When he is able to get away from his computer, Alan enjoys spending time with his wife and three teenage kids (yep, he actually enjoys spending time with teenagers. Well, most of the time!). He travels every chance he gets with family vacations, weekend trips, marketing events or any excuse he has to get away. In fact, he fancies himself a travel and relaxation expert. And if you need recommendations on what to watch on Netflix, ask Alan. He’s seen pretty much everything the service has to offer. But his favorite pastime is watching his kids’ sporting events and performances.