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E-Marketing Performance Blog

A Followup to Branding Issues Posts

I’ve gotten an overwhelming response to my two articles posted at Search Engine Guide outlining some of the self-branding issues of some of the Search Engine Strategies San Jose 2007 Speakers. I appreciate the response I got and am glad that the information was helpful.

David Szetela of Clix Marketing sent this email:

Stoney – great article re: SES Speakers! A few suggestions:

1. Try other search engines, and/or a meta search engine like http://www.mamma.com

2. Do me! Do me! I’d be interested in your analysis, even if you don’t publish it.

This is the first time since my honeymoon that I’ve had the words “do me!” spoken my way, so I figured I would oblige. (That was a marriage joke, in case you missed it.)

The first issue I come across is that I don’t know how to spell Davids last name. And that’s while looking at it. That’ll certainly make it easy for people to find him if they know how to spell it, but good luck with that! Actually, Google does seem to know the right spelling. When I search for David Zetela and David Szetla in both instances Google suggested the correct spelling. The first result for a search for David Szetela however brings us a result for nibblemagazing.com. At the time of my searching that site was down. Looking at a cache, there is such a person mentioned about half way down a very long page. I’m not certain it’s the same David we’re looking for but how many Szetelas can there be? Apparently quite a few.

The second and third results take us to David’s company site, Clix Marketing and the rest of the top ten results all appear to be related. Moving on to the company name, I first searched for Clicks Marketing. A mistake like that can certainly happen. David’s site is nowhere to be found in the top ten results. Let’s try again for just Clix. I actually expected to find some results here but alas, none of the top ten results are what we are looking for. It’s not a surprise, however, that a search for Clix Marketing does put the company site in question in the top spot. The next two results are links to MyBlogLog profiles for the Clix Marketing profile and the number four result is a link to webpronews.com which has a video interview with David. Finally, back to number five and six, we have the old clixmarketing blog hosted on wordpress.com. There is a small text link to the new blog location, but with the wordpress coming up top he might want to make that a bigger, more obvious link! The next result doesn’t appear to be related at all and then the last three are related once again.

There you go David. I hope that helps. Any other takers?

If you haven’t read them you can find the original articles here:

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