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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Final Lap: Top Reads for Week Ending Jan. 11

A Weekly Review of Web Marketing Articles

Last week, our mojo-gushing link builder wrote ‘Always Be Reading’: the Link Builder’s Mantra. Funny thing is, we all have this mantra at the office. So, what have we been doing this week (and every week)? Reading, of course. (Oh, and we did some work, too.) Here’s what we gave five stars this week…

A Guide to Public Speaking for Introverted and Shy People by @jcolman

A coffee connoisseur and fellow hater of small talk. Yes, marketers can be introverts! Even if you’re an extrovert (or The Other), you’ll be able take something from Jonathon’s post. One of my favorite pointers from Jonathon was to Avoid expo floor, in which he accurately describes my worst nightmare.

Jon Cooper Interview: Learning, Link Building & Successful Blogging by @chrisldyson

In this post, Chris Dyson interviews Jon Cooper, perhaps better known as Point Blank SEO. He really made a name for himself in 2012…and rightly so. He brings hard work and value to the industry. My favorite question/answer is #8. Check it out for yourself.

A Discourse on PPC Agency Value by @ppcassociates

Why would anyone be incentivized to outsource critical parts of their marketing to an outside firm? The answer is pretty simple: they can’t do the job themselves. Where things get a little fuzzy is when you dig beneath the surface and face the truth: the ultimate value proposition of the agency (PPC or otherwise) is that we can do as well or better than an in-house team, in a third of the time. If this wasn’t the case, agencies wouldn’t exist…

1 PPC Resolution You Must Make: Fix Your Quality Scores by @mel66

Knowing and doing are two different things, just like resolving to losing weight. It’s easy to know you need to lose weight – any bathroom scale will tell you that. But actually making changes to optimize your weight is a different story. The same goes for your PPC resolutions for 2013. Enter Bing Ads Intelligence. Learn how this keyword research tool can help you fix your quality scores.

A Simple Guide to Using rel=”alternate” hreflang=”x” by @nick_eubanks

Nick Eubanks does a simplified yet thorough write up on how to implement SEO-friendly multilingual support on your site.

Using Your Twitter Profile for Link Building by @katstott

Some fresh ideas on how to use your Twitter profile to build site valuable site links. Kat Stott’s post includes a list of Twitter-related sites that will use your bio to help you build clout (the real thing).

The Quick Guide to Developing Customer Personas by @adriasaracino

Adria Saracino presents a solid, actionable approach to building customer personas. One caveat: her method isn’t really quick as we modern-day marketers perceive quick (i.e., instantaneous), but it’s definitely faster and more cost-efficient than hiring a market researcher. So, perhaps this should be called The Do-It-Yourself Guide…


“In the beginning”…bringing the scrolls of Genesis and the Ten Commandments online from Google’s Blog

If only we read Hebrew! But it’s cool to see these ancient manuscripts available to all.

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