Many employers don’t go out of their way to let the workers see the big picture. Many employees simply come in, do their job, collect a paycheck and go home. There is certainly nothing wrong with this approach, but these employees will never reach their full productivity.
If you want to lead an effective team you need to allow your team to see the bigger picture. Sure they can come in and do their job and do it well, but if they understand why they are doing what they do, if each task is given a purpose and a meaning, those employees will do their job far better than you ever imagines.
Who’s the boss? Is it you? Or is it the customer? I’m the one that signs the paychecks, but the client’s sign mine, so when it’s all said and done, the client is the boss. I act as project manager for our client accounts but I also encourage each of my team members to talk directly with the client when the need arises, rather than go through me. In the end, I’m the one responsible, but when the client and the worker interact, both are given an increased measure of satisfaction in the job being performed.
Take that a step further, when the team is aware of how their contributions to the project effects performance, they not only get to see the bigger picture, but begin to understand and feel the reward of their efforts. Sure, they get their monetary reward on payday, but you don’t go home and brag about that. But you do go home and brag about how your effort translated into results and results translated into profits.
Keep your team motivated by keep them involved in the big picture. Give them something more to accomplish than just their job.