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E-Marketing Performance Blog

MSN Rolls Out New Search Tomorrow!!!

The forums are a buzz about the news that MSN will be rolling out its new search tomorrow. Its not clear if this will be a beta version of their new search technology for a full rollout after several tech previews have been available. Personally I am hoping for a full rollout from their main search page. Competition in the search market is a good thing for everybody.

Yahoo rolled out their sans Google search technology earlier this year. Many were expecting Yahoo to take a big chuck out of Google’s market share. So far it doesn’t appear so. Probably because Google has become such a brand name. You can bet, however that Microsoft, when it rolls out its new search, will launch big. My guess is that search market share for MSN will be a big chunk of the market but will eventually settle. If we can get three big dogs in the game I would be happy if each took no more than 30% of the search market.

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