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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Not Interested in Increasing Sales? Hello!

I am starting to come to the conclusion that the majority of online businesses do not consider, or are totally unaware of the importance of usability in relation to their websites. A good portion of my job involves time spent going through each clients’ website and looking for ways to significantly improve things in order to make the conversion process simpler and easier. I have had instances where I’ve made a suggestion that could vastly impact sales, yet many clients choose to ignore the suggestion. Why don’t they care?

Truly, I don’t think it is necessarily an issue of them not caring, I think that they just don’t realize the impact that minor changes to their website can make, despite how much I try to convey the importance to them. So what can us web marketers do to help us help our clients? How about establishing usability awareness month? hehe… got any bright ideas?

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