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7 Easy On-Page SEO Tips to Optimize Your Site

Everybody wants to see their website on the top results. But only a few of them fulfill all the important criteria that needed to rank on the search engines. On-Page SEO is one of the most important elements that help to gain organic traffic on your website. Optimizing your website with On-Page SEO is easy. Either you can do it yourself or hire an affordable Digital Marketing Agency. It’s all your choice. This article is all about disclosing some On-page SEO Tips in which many site owners lag.

“Why do I need it when I can write amazing articles?”

If you are thinking something like then you must understand, why experts do On-Page SEO.

The main purpose of doing this is to gain organic traffic on the website. On-page SEO provides Search engines all the info which helps search engine crawlers to index your website easily. “Content is King” but Without On-page SEO you can’t be on the top result for a longer period. That’s why you need to optimize your website with on-page SEO.

7 Simple On-Page SEO Tips that Turn Your Website into A Traffic Hub.

  1.       Think like searchers: You must understand what the searchers want. What they are looking for? The search engine always shows appropriate results. If the Search engine does not find your content relevant according to searchers’ view, you will not be on the top list.

That’s true…

For example, if you are selling books related to SEO and using “SEO Book” in the title. it’s isn’t going to work. 

Because there are thousands of people out there who are using the same tactics. 

You should do something different and targeting long keywords that many people search for.

You can either use “Best SEO Book 2019” or “Best SEO Book for Beginners”.

  1.       Speed-up your website: Let’s create a situation where you are visiting a website which taking minimum 10-12 second to load the full page.

Will you stay there? Or leave that?

Most people choose to click on the back button and open another website.

An average webpage take2-3 seconds to fully load. If your page gets fully loaded in 2 seconds then amazing otherwise try these methods to improve your page load speed:

(1)    Remove unwanted HTML tags, that’s just waste.

(2)    Compress image size which used on your web page.

(3)    Remove unnecessary Javascripts if you don’t need them. But keep in mind that you have to do this with your complete website, not on a single webpage.

  1.       Make your Title, Meta Description and H1 tags natural: Placing keywords in the Title, Meta Description and H1 tags helps to rank but it feels like natural. Search engine crawlers are smart enough to understand your content meaning and why you use that. If you are using any keyword or line forcefully into any of them, you aren’t going to appear in the top searches.

While reading your article users should feel that what you want to say. Otherwise, he will choose an alternative website of yours which cause a bad effect on your website. That’s one of the simplest on-page SEO tips that play sometimes major role to attract the audience to your webpage.

  1.       Use short meaningful URLs: There are some benefit of making your URLs short and meaning like:

(1)    It helps the Google crawler to understand what your webpage all about is.

(2)    You can use your focus keyword into URLs.

(3)    Searcher can understand by your link that what info they can get in this link.

For example, https://www.xyz.com/2019/25/12/22356 is not meaningful at all. An average person can’t understand by this link what this link is related to.

While https://www.xyz.com/pc-games  makes you understand that you will get pc-games by visiting this URL.

  1.       Alt tags: Alt tags are an alternative to your images when they unable to load for some reason. Google crawlers easily understand by alt tags that what is in this image or how it relates to your content.

After using alt tags your image Html tag looks something like this:

<img src=”/god-of-areana.jpg” alt=”Gods of Arena PVP game” /> 

Another benefit of using alt tags is that many people in this world are suffering from vision problems. They choose either screen magnifier or text reader. 

 Using Alt tags gives you little help to increase ranking on search engines.

  1.       Easy readable and simple content: Most people understand simple lines rather than some complex ones. Would you stay on a website where you can’t find the exact meaning of a line?

If you somehow like me you’ll choose the one who describes all things in a simple way. 

Google observes all things a user does on a website including their time spent on a website. Stop doing this and use simple language because not everybody understands this. Use small words and, try to make your sentence short.

  1.       Interlinking: Interlinking helps Google crawler to relate your one web page to your other web pages. That gives benefits like authority and pass link juice to another web page.

For example, you made a new web page on SEO. Your website already contains a web page on Digital Marketing then you can do interlinking. When Google crawler crawls your Digital Marketing page it will also crawl your SEO web page.

 It is also helpful for visitors like they don’t know about a topic in your article and you simply provide a link to that one. Interlinks guide visitors to that specific topic.

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