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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Review: Persuasion Architecture PDF

I’m an avid reader of anything produced by FutureNow and the Eisenbergs. While certainly not perfect, most of what they write is top notch. Katie, I believe, has found the exception which she’ll be posting about in the near future. Earlier this month I downloaded Future Now’s PDF on Persuasion Architecture: Persuading Customers When They Ignore Marketing. It read more like a marketing piece for Future Now’s services than a dissemination of information, and if that was it’s intention that’s fine by me.

Even still there are some good bits of information here that I have not already read in Future Now’s other books and materials such as Waiting for Your Cat to Bark and Call to Action–both excellent reads. Considering this was a free download it certainly is worth the price of admission as well as the time it takes to breeze through the 60 pages.

If you’ve read most of the other materials by the Eisenbergs and Future Now then this likely won’t be a significant factor in your learning experience, but more of a refresher course. However if you’re new to their material then this will certainly prime your pumps for their other documents.

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