The Successful Investor: What 80 Million People Need to Know to Invest Profitably and Avoid Big Losses
Authors: William J. O’Neil
Paperback: 183pages
Cost: $8.76
Published: September, 2003
After dabbling with the stock market for a couple of years and finding both moderate success and spectacular failure, O’Neil’s book “The Successful Investor” pretty much confirmed what I already knew. I was doing this all wrong. That’s the depressing part. But the good part is that O’Neil teaches you how to do stock investing right.
“The Successful Investor” outlines five steps that every stock investor needs to know. Complete with stock charts and visual illustrations, O’Neil provides a very easy to understand step-by-step instruction for wise investing. Of course as the cliche goes… it’s easier said than done.
While O’Neil teaches you how to read stock charts, he makes it look much easier than it is to the non-professional investor. I’m certain that with practice–and O’Neil makes this point in the book–one gets better and better at it. But even while going through the five steps, knowing how and where to get the information you need before you invest is extremely time consuming. I’m certain it would be much easier if we all knew what stocks to watch, but that’s up to each investor overall.
I definitely would recommend this book to anyone investing in the market. Even if you can’t immediacy put all of the steps to use you’ll learn a great deal about the market and you’ll have a much better idea of how and when to invest in what than most people do now.