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E-Marketing Performance Blog

The Road To SEO Victory is Paved with Patience

The road to SEO victory


Everything about web marketing takes time to produce the results you want. We tell our clients that the best time to start prepping for Christmas is January! Why? because growth doesn’t happen over night, especially if you’re starting with very little site authority.

You can optimize a site in a decent amount of time, but authority takes time to build. But that’s not to say you can’t get some quick victories under your belt. A few good wins up front allows you to start seeing some of the benefits of your web marketing campaign. However, those quick wins are relatively small victories compared to what comes after a significant and sustained push.

There are two things that slow web marketing down. One is your ability to approve decisions and recommendations from your marketing team. The other is the overall investment you allow. For most companies, that comes down to budget. The more you budget, the more your web marketing team can accomplish.

It takes time to fix a problematic site architecture. It takes time to research and find the right keywords. It takes time to organize, select and optimize for those keywords. It takes time to build up a strong social presence. See where this is going?

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]Give yourself time to succeed in web marketing.[/inlinetweet] Both investment time and calendar time. It’s tough to be patient, but it’s a necessary part of your long-term success.

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