I’m guessing you’re reading this because that headline got your attention. Many of you probably wanted to see what kind of scam I’m running. Unfortunately, many others are probably looking for such a deal. But you won’t get one from me. Why? Because deals like this are no deal at all.
First, let’s start with the knowledge that there are only a handful of search engines that matter. So no matter how many submissions you get, 1000, 100, 50, 10… it’s still too many. It’s kind of like planting crops by hanging a bag of seed out your car window while driving down the freeway.
But the more important issue is that site submissions have almost zero value. [Tweet This] Search engines want to find your content naturally. If they can’t, the submission won’t help you with rankings.
The goal is to get noticed by the search engines by getting noticed by our target audience. That’s what works.
With that said, there can be value in submitting your xml sitemap through Google and Bing webmaster tools. While that won’t get you any ranking boost, it does put all of your URLs in front of the search engine for them to spider at your convenience.
Be careful though, doing so may get pages of your site spidered when they otherwise should not be. When important pages of your site are not getting spidered it usually means there is a problem. Xml sitemap submission tends to hide those problems, leaving them uncorrected.