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E-Marketing Performance Blog

The Lazy Week

The week between Christmas and New Years is probably the laziest week of the year. Most of my employees are taking time off or working shortened hours. I pretty much make this week optional anyway. I also take the time to sleep in every day, which means getting up at 7am instead of 5am. Mosey into work, and then leave early. I simply don’t expect to get much done and I think many feel the same about this time.

So what, right?

This is the time I spend working on future projections, our 5-year plan, and other improvements that tend to get neglected during the year. 2007 should be a great year for us as we are “stepping it up a notch”. More than one notch, really, but several notches. We got a great crew, an incredible 1 year and five year plan, and the means to provide services far beyond anything we’ve ever done before. 2007 won’t just be a great year for us, but for our clients as well!

Enjoy the rest of 2006. We’ll be back in 2007 with a vengeance.

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