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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Vanity! Vanity! All (Marketing) is Vanity!

A while back I mentioned on this blog the 1966 Dodge Charger I inherited from my (still living) dad. In changing over the registration to my name I, for the first time in my life, purchased vanity plates.

The title of this post, for those that didn’t get it, is to Ecclesiastes 1:2, which reads:

Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity

Which got me thinking about how marketing largely is an exercise in vanity. Sure, we want to talk in regards to how our product or service will help you, but we still want you to pay us.

But maybe that’s a post for another day. Let’s get back to me and my ’66 dodge Charger. Specifically, my super-cool vanity plates I recently received in the mail.

Dodge Charger

Dodge Charger

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