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E-Marketing Performance Blog

Webmaster World’s PubCon WrapUps

Over the next few days the Pole Position Marketing team will be posting their session notes from PubCon. Since I was invited to PubCon via our good friends at Search Engine Guide, I have posted my PubCon notes on the blog over there. That link will take you to my thoughts on the conference as a whole which links to notes on the sessions I attended.

I did have one interesting experience which isn’t noted on my official wrap up post. I attended the session about duplicate content primarily because I wanted a single question answered. During the Q&A time I made my way down the middle and tapped the microphone holder on the shoulder so I could ask it. Here was the gist of my question:

If an article gets duplicated across several sites and on each of those sites the article gets its own share of incoming links, do the outgoing links on that article still pass value, despite the article being duplicated?

The answer was a big, resounding silence from the panel, which included people from both Google and Yahoo. I’m not sure who finally took up the mantel on this (I think it was Tim Converse from Yahoo, but I could be wrong) the best he could do is, “I don’t think you should be focuses on that here.”

Hmmm… did I get a little too close to the secret sauce, or were these guys really stumped?

2 Responses to Webmaster World’s PubCon WrapUps

  1. Pingback: PubCon ‘06: Duplicate Content Issues » (EMP) E-Marketing Performance